ViTAWiN Trailer on Emotions and Haptics

The project ViTAWiN features three relevant aspects: The interprofessional collaboration, the integration of emotions and the implementation of the haptically present training manikin. In this video, the conception, implementation and relevance of emotions and haptics are explained by members of the consortium and emergency paramedic trainees.

The patient's emotions serve as a source of information for health professionals and allows them to assess the situation. In emergency medicine, it is relevant to differentiate between multiple pain levels and to pay especial attention to emotions like fear. If you are interested, you can find more information in the showroom article Showing the Emotion of a Virtual Patient.

With the implementation of the physically present simulation manikin, we combine the best of two worlds. The physical body of the training manikin compensates for the lack of haptic resistance of a virtual reality application. Meanwhile, the patient in the virtual world offers a realistically presented symptomatology on the acoustic and visual level. In addition, ViTAWiN enables the patient to react to the treatment. Replicating this in the physical world is only possible with a lot of effort. If you want to learn more about the integration of the simulation manikin, have a look at the showroom article Estimating the Pose of a Medical Manikin.

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