ViTAWiN wins prize for best poster at InSiM for the second time

InSiM is an interdisciplinary symposium on simulation in medicine and offers users of simulation technology and interested parties a platform for the exchange of experience and ideas as well as networking. The symposium is independent of medical professional training and medical field.

Last year, a poster of the ViTAWiN project was already awarded as the best poster in the category "Scientific Work" at the virtually oriented InSiM. This year, on 01.10.2021, the poster was awarded for the second time in the category "Practice-oriented work". The focus here was on the illustration of the scenario and the most important findings from evaluations.

For more information about the project ViTAWiN visit our project site or external website

Poster submission: ViTAWiN

Have a look at our submission (in German)

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